DermaShape® Lymphatic Stimulation Device

Say goodbye to stubborn fat and bloating once and for all. Whole-body body contouring and lymphatic stimulation.

what is dermashape

Natural processes, natural results.

There’s no doubt about it—diet and exercise are key to looking and feeling your best. But when your lymphatic system is congested, it can be tough to get the results you’re aiming for. That’s where the DermaShape® Lymphatic Therapy treatment comes in. 

DermaShape® contours the body by promoting optimal lymphatic function.

Stubborn fat, cellulite, and bloating are all signs of poor lymphatic function.

The DermaShape Lymphatic Therapy treatment uses continuous vacuum suction to open the body’s lymph vessels and clear lymphatic congestion, accelerating the elimination of fats, fluids, and cellular waste.

Feel great.

Experience the revitalizing effects of improved circulation, reduced bloating, and accelerated elimination of toxins.

Lose inches.

The DemaShame can be the key to getting rid of stubborn fat, cellulite, and fluid.

Kickstart whole-body health.

Support your immune system and overall health by optimizing lymphatic function.

Feel results instantly. See results in 6 sessions.

dermashape results
before and after dermashape results
dermashape before and after results

dermashape lymphatic stimulation device

Ederra for MedSpas & Wellness Clinics

Looking to expand your clinic’s suite of services? 

Give clients the natural results they’re looking for with DermaShape®.

What to expect in a DermaShape session



You will prepare for the DermaShape session as you would a massage. 

The treatment area is first gently warmed to 41℃.  Your tech will then apply the Special Dermashape proprietary oil blend to the treatment area.


45-minute Treatment

Using a specialized lift-and-pull technique, your tech will use the Dermashape® vacuum action to manipulate the tissue.

This moves lymph fluid from your extremities to your lymph nodes, facilitating lymphatic drainage.



Drink 2 liters of water and follow a zero-fat diet for 24-hours following treatment to prevent excess lipids from entering the bloodstream and redepositing elsewhere. Dry brushing, low impact exercise, and detox bath are also recommended.


“The results were amazing. My 10 week fat loss was almost 15 inches!  Places like upper thighs lost 2 inches each! Additionally, they are also able to do treatments on your face–think saggy neck as you get older (I’m 49 years old). So many ways to apply the DermaShape®!”

-DermaShape® Client

dermashape before and after results

Use with other devices—DermaShape® improves results by 58%!

Average inch loss in 4 treatments: 

  • Laser with DermaShape®: 3.9” loss total 

  • Only Laser: 2.2” loss total

*For this study, the DermaShape® was used in combination with a low level laser. One study group had the laser on the body for a total of 20 min, followed by a 45 minute DermaShape® treatment. The second group only did the laser for a total of 20 minutes—no DermaShape® treatment. The study included a total of 20 females between the ages of 22 and 53.  Each client had each treatment twice a week for a total of two weeks.

lymphatic stimulation device

Who we are 

At Ederra Beauty Concepts, we are dedicated to helping clients achieve whole-body wellness. We have helped thousands of clients achieve measurable and lasting results using DermaShape®.


  • Many factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, environmental toxins, additives in food and beauty products and congested fat pushing on connective tissue causes the lymph to back up. As a result, the lymphatic vessels can become compromised and are unable to handle the increased volume of lymph, causing fluid to distend in the tissues, impairing the system and further compressing the lymphatic vessels.

  • Some clients experience mild bruising or petechiae (small, pinpoint-sized spots) on the outermost layers of the skin following treatment. These should resolve within a few days.

  • Traditional body contouring involves removing or destroying fat cells. Some other body contouring treatments disrupt the cell membrane of a fat cell causing fat molecules to pour out of the fat cell.

    All of these methods are taxing on the lymphatic system as the lymphatic vessels can become compromised with the overload of fat molecules and are unable to handle the increased volume of lymph.

    The DermaShape® uses vacuum suction to help move lymph fluid towards the body’s lymph nodes, where it can be metabolized and eliminated. 

    While fat cells remain intact, fluids and toxins clear the tissues, helping to smooth cellulite and shape the body.

Look and feel your best with DermShape®.